
Check out Owen's new book, Gratitude: A Way of Teaching

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Updated Blog-Guide to New Year's Resolutions

As we approach the New Year, I am taking time to reflect on the past year and look forward to 2017. I know that this time of year, many of us make New Year’s Resolutions. This can be a positive exercise to focus on areas of our life we would like to improve and make a new start. Many of us have tried this in the past and have not been successful. It is easy to quickly give up on these resolutions when they don’t come easy and we haven’t made an action plan. But, here are some ideas that may help those of us trying to make 2017 a better year.
In the past, I have made resolutions, sometimes more successfully than others. After seeing what works with me and trying with my 4th graders, we have developed an action plan that helps us and it may work for others also. Try it, we really don't have anything to lose. 

First we take time to reflect on 6 areas we may want to change:
1. Spiritual
2. Family
3. Professional (for 4th graders-Education)
4. Physical and Health
5. Fun
6. Financial (4th graders set goals in 3 areas for money: 1. To save, 2. To give, 3. To spend)

We choose one or two areas to work on. Then, we write actions to take to make these resolutions come true. Next, we pick a partner, a friend or family member, that we can check in with daily at the beginning and then weekly and monthly to see how we are doing and stay accountable. We put the resolutions as goals on a piece of paper and put it somewhere we see it often, like on our refrigerator, in our lockers, or on our desks. Finally, we check in every month to see how we are doing on reaching these goals. Looking long term, we even write a letter to ourselves to be opened at the end of the school year, restating the goals and giving encouragement to keep trying if we haven’t achieved these goals yet.

There are many reasons for giving up on these goals, like we may feel we don’t have the time and energy. But, remember that they can be very small goals, like a spiritual goal could be to do a verbal gratitude list at one red light we stop at each day. If we make a reminder to put in our car or make someone we drive with our partner in the goal, it makes it easier to do. Some of my students and friends have done this and say that it can really help add something positive to a stressful commute. It is interesting, for 4th graders, most goals are things like: making new friends, getting better grades, or being kinder to siblings. Those are great goals.
Once, someone asked why we have to make these resolutions formal, why not just try to be more loving or get in better shape physically? I like both ideas. But, I know that for me, informal resolutions don't seem to work as well because it is easier to give up on them. Also, it is easy to lose those goals in our busy lives if we don’t write them down, make a simple action plan, or check our progress.
Resolutions do not need to be too big or overwhelming and I would recommend choosing one or two to start with. One year, my goal was to wake up 10 minutes early to spend doing yoga, praying, and meditating. This one was easy to keep because I found that it helped me get through the day with a smile. I expanded on that and now wake up 30 minutes early and actually look forward to starting the day that way.

Another year, the goal was even smaller, but just as important. When I got in my car, before I turned the ignition, I would take a few deep breaths and just try to get into the present moment.This really helped, but I kept forgetting to do it in my busy day. So, here I readjusted my action plan and put a reminder in my car on my speedometer. That helped and I enjoyed a new moment of quiet peace interjected into my busy and hectic days.

Sometimes, our goals may even surpass what we envision. Since I was eighteen years old, I have played guitar. But, I was self-taught and I wanted to learn to play better. So, ten years ago, I made a goal to learn to play guitar better and take formal lessons. My action plan was to visit some local music stores and find a guitar teacher, then spend 30 minutes a day practicing, I did that and now I actually teach guitar and started a after-school music program at my school. Even more astonishing, for the past few year, with the help of my dear friend Erik, we performed as a guitar duo around Atlanta and had a blast. We have a new gig coming up in February and as we jammed to get ready for it, we both realized how we have grown as musicians and friends, far surpassing my initial goal. An extra bonus is that we have added our musical friend Seth to the mix. Playing double-bass adds a new dimension to our sound.
Other times, our goals and resolutions are not met or may come more slowly. Here, we should not beat ourselves up, but refocus, adjust the goals and keep trying. If the goal isn't that important any more, let it go and move on to other things. Celebrate the little victories and look for progress, not perfection. You can do this. Have a fantastic year in 2017 and STAY GRATEFUL! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks for all the love and support!!!

Quote to end blog:

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” - Hereclitus

Friday, December 16, 2016

Gratitude in Spanish-Como empezar un Diario de Gratitud

Como empezar un Diario de Gratitud

Gratitude es una gran herramienta spiritual y un diario de agradecimiento es un camino fácil para aplicarlo en nuestras vidas y las de nuestros estudiantes. Lo importante en proponérselo y hacerlo un hábito, parte de nuestras vidas. Los Estudios han demostrado que posiblemente es más importante buscar dentro de cada individuo el nivel de gratitud más que enfocarse en el número de gratitudes por día.

Este un un ejemplo:

1. Gracias por ________________________________________________________ porque____________________________________________________________

2. Gracias por ________________________________________________________ porque____________________________________________________________

3. Gracias por ________________________________________________________ porque____________________________________________________________

Empieza encribiendo una lista corta en el pizarrón para que los alumnos puedas iniciar. Diles que pueden “usar” una de las gratitudes de la lista, si es que tienen algún problema en como iniciar su lista. Los ejemplos pueden incluir los siguiente: Estoy agradecido por...

* Por sentir el amor abundante en nuestras vidas
* Estar saludable
* Por mis amigos, nuevas y viejas amistades
* Estar vivo
* Por tener comida y ropa que vestir

Con todas las actividades de agradecimiento, podemos sugerir que los estudiantes sean lo más específico que se pueda y buscar los beneficios que proporcionas las gracias recibidas. Por ejemplo, en lugar de escribir “Gracias por el almuerzo,” los estudiantes pueden escribir, “Gracias por los jitomates y la lechuga de mi ensalada y la gente que hizo esto possible, desde el granjero, el camión de entrega, la tienda de los productos, y gracias a mis padres quienes trabajaron y gastaron su dinero para comprarlos,” o “Gracias por el almuerzo tan saludable hecho por manos amorosas y por el tiempo y esfuerzo que dedicaron para prepararlo, porque las comida le da fuerza a nuestros cuerpos y el amor alimenta nuestras almas.”

Podemos incluso escribir, “Gracias por todas las situaciones inesperadas/desagradables/malas/ que me pasan por que me ayudan a crecer en diferentes aspectos.” Podemos estar agradecidos por cosas que parecen malas en el momento, son lecciones de las cuales aprendemos de ellas y nos brindan nuevas oportunidades para seguir adelante. Son lecciones de valor, sabiduría, persistencia, y fortitud.

Si queremos realmente retar a nuestros estudiantes, preguntales si ellos estan agradecidos por las tares o por los quehaceres que realizan diariamente. Este reto les permite a los estudiantes apreciar todas las cosas buenas que la tarea proporciona. ( les ayuda a aprender y a prepararse para la vida).

Si se te olvida escribir en tu diario de gratitud por algún tiempo, no te preocupes, solamente empieza otra vez y siente los beneficions que trae en nuestras vidas. Difunde y disfruta tus gratitudes (bendiciones).