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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Life’s Common Core-10 Things Every Student Should Do Before Graduating High School

Life’s Common Core-10 Things Every Student Should Do Before Graduating High School

Recently, I read article in Time magazine called, “Life’s Common Core” by Kristin Van Ogtrop.  I thoroughly enjoyed this article and found it applicable to students and to all of us.  She listed these 10 life lessons she thought every student should complete before graduating high school.  I would add that these aren't just 10 things students should do, but everyone should do.

Here is a list from the article:

1.       Write a letter, an actual letter that does not begin with “Hey” and is hand written on real paper.

2.       Learn to cook a good meal that can feed the entire family, no matter what size family you have.

3.       Hold down an unpleasant job that makes you hate your parents a little because they won’t let you quit.

4.       Go somewhere for the weekend without your phone to learn solitude.

5.       Every time you get a new toy, give an old toy or gadget away to someone who doesn’t get new things very often.

6.       Take care of someone or something other than yourself.  A pet does nicely here.

7.       Write a heartfelt thank you note to someone over 70.  Even if this person hasn’t given you anything, find something to thank them for.

8.       Read a book for pleasure.  If you start one and still hate it at page 50, find another book.  Repeat as needed until you find a book you really love.

9.       Do something nice for a neighbor without expecting any credit for it.  Rake the leaves, shovel the walk, put the newspaper on the front steps.  Keep your identity secret.

10.   Don’t race to the top.  Never race to the top.  If you want to aim for the top, good for you.  But try to get there slowly, deliberately, without knocking everyone else out of the way, or missing the beautiful view.

On another subject, here is a link to a short 3 minute video that has celebrities, including Jack Black, Steven Tyler from Aerosmith and even
Snoop Dog, talking about how “cool” science is and how important science is:


Quote to end blog from Aristotle-

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” 

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